Our Studio

Our Studio is located on the mountainside of the Great Dividing Range 30km to the north of Toowoomba. Hampton is an inspiring place and our Studio is no different. With views over the valley and the Ravensbourne rainforests we are truly blessed to have such a wonderful location.
Our Sculptors have different talents and specialties. This provides the opportunity to work together, allows for cross fertilisation of ideas and, on occasion, the opportunity for joint projects.
This ensures we provide an eclectic range of work including limited editions in bronze, aluminium and sterling silver in figurative, art deco and abstract styles.
We pride ourselves on carrying out the whole creative process ‘in studio’.
We welcome visitors to inspect our work and get a feel for what we do. As we are a working Studio we require you to contact us in advance to arrange a time that is suitable for all.
We do at times have invite only events, if you like the opportunity to join us please enter your information on our Contacts Page.